What is IVB?
Why is it Needed?

The MM Systems Insulated Vapor Barrier (IVB) is a Tailored Technology Solution designed to provide both thermal and vapor management in structural expansion joint openings.

The Five Key Performance Features

Insulation Values

Available Thermal R-values of R-19, R-25, and R-30 plus a Class A Rating for flame spread and smoke development. (Read More)

TriBlokTM Semi-Impermeable or Non-Permeable

The weather wrap fully encapsulates and protects the fiberglass insulation. (Read More)

Barrier Compatibility

The IVB system is engineered for expansion joints and other openings requiring insulated environmental protection. Compatible with all expansion joints and most air barrier systems. (Read More)

Engineered for Ease of Installation

Modular designs in widths from 1-to-20 inches (custom widths available), which saves installation time and labor. (Read More)

Green Standards

Fungi-resistant fiberglass insulation exceeds Greenguard Gold Emissions Standards. (Read More)


Typical IVB Applications

  • Exterior Vertical (Wall) Expansion Joint
  • Exterior Horizontal (Roof) Expansion Joint
  • Wall-to-Roof Transitions
  • New-to-Existing Construction
  • Pedestrian-to-Building Connections
  • Interior Sound Dampening