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MM Spec Data IVB Series
IVB System Drawings(CAD)
IVB System Drawings(PDF)
IVB Installation Guide
135-Tech Bulletin – Understanding STC and NRC Ratings

Tech Summary

Thermal Transmission Properties

R-value measures resistance to heat flow. The American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) C 518-04, (Standard test method for steady-state thermal transmission properties by means of the heat flow meter) provides a rapid means of determining the steady-state thermal transmission properties of thermal insulations and other materials with a high level of accuracy. Available in thermal R-values of R-19, R-25 & R-30.

Joint Opening Size Confirmation

SIZES: Standard Widths are 1-to-20-inch nominal and Custom Seismic Widths are available.
Prior to installation always confirm that system sizes supplied will accommodate both the minimum and maximum joint width. Refer to MM Systems product drawings and project specific contract drawings. Too often expansion joint openings are sized without adjustment resulting in larger than anticipated openings. Not knowing the actual expected minimum and maximum joint opening may result in product failure or costly replacement orders if not properly sized.

TriBlok™ Smart Weather Wrap

Material: High Density and Low-Density Polyethylene
Nominal Thickness: 6 mil (ASTM D1777)
Unit Weight: 3.5 oz/yd2 (ASTM D3776)
Tensile Grab Strength: 119 lbf (ASTM D751)
Tear Strength (tongue): 65 lbf (ASTM D2261)
Mullen Burst Strength; 190 PSI (ASTM D751)
Life Safety: Class A Rating for Flame Spread [SFI] &
Smoke Development [SDI] – (ASTM E84-94)

Fiberglass Insulation

Thermal Resistance: ≥103% (ASTM C653)
Fungi Resistance: ≤ control item (ASTM C1338)
Water Vapor Sorption: ≤ 5% by weight (ASTM C1104)
Odor Emission: PASS (ASTM C1304)
Noise Reduction Coefficient: 1.05 (ASTM E423)
Heat Flow Resistance: R-19, R-25, and R-30


  1. IVB is supplied in 5-foot segments. Determine the quantity required for each joint run.
  2. Adjoin segments together by inserting male flush ends into female splice pockets ends.
  3. Remove splice tape release liner from seam strips on male end and cover with adjoining splice flaps.
  4. Attach and secure the factory end caps to seal the barrier ends where each joint run begins and ends.
  5. Insert IVB into joint opening (interior side label facing inward) sufficiently to fit expansion joint assembly.
  6. Apply Flexible Seal Sealant (1/4″ x 1/4″ bead) between the integral mounting rail and the substrate on sizes over 6-inches wide. Sizes 6-inches and smaller use Microwaterseal Tape to seal the barrier to the substrate.
  7. Secure mounting rail with anchors to inside of structural joint opening.
  8. Refer to the IVB Series Install Guide for detailed step-by-step instructions.

Limited Warranty

MM Systems warrants the IVB to be free of defects in material and conform to technical data listed. We make no warranty as to color or appearance. Since methods of application can affect performance and onsite conditions are beyond our control, MM Systems makes no other warranty, expressed or implied, including warranties of MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

MM Systems sole obligation shall be, at its option, to replace, or to refund the purchase price of the quantity of the system proved to be defective. In no event shall MM Systems be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, loss of profits or punitive damages. Other warranties may be available when installed by a MM Systems Certified Contractor.